Panduan di Tahun Monyet Api 2016 dilihat dari Warna dan Angka Keberuntungan kamu. Apakah benar ramalan ini? Cari tahu bagaimana mengatasinya, Baca SELENGKAPNYA di
Tahun kambing kayu pada 2015 kemarin telah kita lewati, dan kini tiba saatnya kita menjalani hari-hari di tahun yang baru dalam kalender Cina, yakni tahun monyet api. Apakah yang istimewa dari tahun ini? Seperti sifat seekor monyet yang gesit, pintar dan berani, tahun ini akan dilewati dengan penuh keceriaan.Kamu yang lahir di tahun monyet api akan diuntungkan dengan kepribadian yang sudah kamu miliki, yaitu cepat, cerdas, memiliki kondisi fisik yang baik, rajin menabung, dan tidak pernah terlalu pusing soal makanan dan pakaian. Ya, inilah saatnya kamu mengejar impian-impian yang belum terlaksana atau yang baru kamu buat.
Tahun 2016 ini, tampaknya tidak akan ada rasi bintang yang dominan. Hampir semua bintang dengan elemennya masing-masing akan mendapatkan peluang menjadi lebih baik dan melakukan perubahan yang positif.
Elemen Air (Cancer, Scorpio, dan Pisces)
Ketiga rasi bintang ini pada 2016 akan harus melalui serangkaian cobaan berat; ini akan berlaku untuk sisi esoteris dari kehidupan mereka. Anda mungkin dapat menjalani ritual dan Anda akan dipercayakan dengan beberapa informasi rahasia atau misteri.
Positinya, kemungkinan pada tahun 2016 Anda akan sangat mungkin untuk memenuhi impian seumur hidup Anda. Dengan kata lain, untuk tanda-tanda air dari sistem zodiak, itu akan menjadi waktu pemahaman, kesadaran dan penerimaan.
Adalah penting untuk menyadari bahwa 2016 akan memberikan semua orang kesempatan yang hampir tak terbatas dalam hal kemajuan spiritual, tetapi tanggung jawab Anda meningkatkan dalam proporsi langsung terhadap pertumbuhan kesadaran Anda.
Elemen Udara (Gemini, Libra, dan Aquarius)
Pada tahun 2016 jelas tidak akan mengalami masalah dalam "kehidupan cinta" mereka. Tapi, secara keseluruhan, lingkup hubungan pribadi akan menjadi "kuat" sisi kehidupan tanda-tanda dari elemen udara.
Ini tidak berarti bahwa Anda tidak mungkin untuk mengalami pengkhianatan lagi. 2016 akan menjadi tahun romantis, lembut, penuh kasih sayang dan tulus. Mungkin Anda akan menemukan beberapa kekecewaan, tapi tenang saja; segalanya akan terjadi dengan cara yang seharusnya.
Dan jika Anda dibuang oleh kekasih Anda, itu tidak ada alasan untuk terlarut dalam kesedihan, dan kehilangan kendali atas hidup Anda. Mungkin Anda bukan pasangan yang cocok untuk satu sama lain.
Elemen Bumi (Taurus, Virgo, dan Capricorn)
Unsur Bumi pada 2016 akan tunduk pada pengaruh bintang dalam tingkat yang jauh lebih rendah daripada tanda-tanda zodiak lainnya, meskipun tidak rasional tidak menyebutkan dinamika peningkatan pengaruh Mercury pada perwakilan dari kelompok ini.
Secara umum, kita dapat mengatakan bahwa dalam lingkup pekerjaan dan keuangan, semuanya akan "baik-baik saja". Tentu saja, kita juga harus memperhitungkan aspek pribadi. Tanda-tanda bumi pada tahun 2016 akan menjalani "perubahan radikal" dalam hal evolusi spiritual mereka.
Supaya semakin beruntung beberapa hal ini juga harus kamu perhatikan sebelum memilih ‘jalan’ yang akan kamu tempuh. Warna keberuntungan: biru terang, vermillion, putih. Angka keberuntungan: 4 dan 6. Arah keberuntungan: Barat. Charm: Pixiu (binatang liar yang dipercaya masyarakat Cina bisa mengusir roh jahat). Dan gelang/kalung/cincin keberuntungan: Jade, Garnet, Rock Crystal, Citrine, Rose Quartz, Aquamerine, Amethyst atau Red Agate dengan tanda monyet di dalamnya.
Lalu pekerjaan apakah yang cocok dengan orang yang lahir di tahun monyet api? Karena kamu suka dengan tantangan, maka pekerjaan yang menantang dan menarik akan membuatmu semakin sukses dan beruntung. Pekerjaan yang sesuai dengan karakter kamu adalah olahragawan profesional, pialang saham, pengacara, wartawan, diplomat, dan kamu juga cocok untuk bekerja di industri konstruksi, dan real estate.
Monday, January 25, 2016
Warna dan Angka Keberuntungan Kamu, Tahun Monyet Api 2016.
Posted by art's2007 0 comments at 10:46 AM
Monday, November 2, 2009
Secret Shopper
Posted by art's2007 2 comments at 6:43 PM
If you've ever wanted to be a secret shopper, or if you need a part-time job paying an extra $500 or more a week, this is not your chance.
nfortunately, authorities say hundreds of people have fallen victim to a scam in which they think they're signing up to be "mystery shoppers" - regular folks who are paid to evaluate retailers. Some have lost thousands of dollars after cashing counterfeit checks and wiring money back to scammers, usually in Canada or another foreign country.
The Pennsylvania attorney general's office said it began receiving complaints late last year about such schemes, and the pace of the complaints has picked up since. It issued a warning to consumers last month to be wary of the offers.
The letters or advertisements look official, containing telephone contact numbers and more. The names of the fake companies vary - scam letters have borne "Express Shoppers" and "Mystery Shopper" company logos - and may even mirror the name of a real company.
Victims who received checks were told to cash them and then wire money as part of a training mission to evaluate a Western Union or check-cashing outlet at a Wal-Mart. But the checks have bounced, leaving the victims on the hook for the amount of the cashed checks.
"It would be a financial education for most people who fall for it, but it's not the kind of education that people want," said spokesman Nils Frederiksen of the attorney general's office.
Harold Cameron, a Scranton man who runs a consumer help Web site, said he has been contacted in recent weeks by people from at least a half-dozen states, from Nevada to Michigan, who were scammed by or saw advertisements by a company called "Master Research Inc."
In October, the Mobile, Ala., police department reported it was investigating an alleged secret shopper scam involving fraudulent checks sent out by Master Research that were cashed at a pawn shop.
No one answered a call from The Associated Press on Thursday to one of the company's advertised telephone lines in Alberta, Canada.
At another number, also in Alberta, a woman answered and said the number was for Master Research. Told the company was being connected to a scam involving fraudulent checks, she hung up. A second call went unanswered.
The checks may look authentic and may even bear the name of an actual bank or credit union and a telephone number where the person answering supposedly verifies that the check is valid.
One credit union whose name has been used, Countryside Federal Credit Union in Syracuse, N.Y., returned four checks Thursday morning as fraudulent, said president and chief executive officer Gerd Henjes.
"The question is, did the financial institution on the other end put the appropriate financial holds on it?" Henjes said.
An industry group, The Mystery Shopping Providers Association, says real companies do not pay anyone before they do actual work, and that mystery shopping is not a way to make a large sum of money quickly.
The Dallas-based organization also provides information on how to become a mystery shopper on its Web site,, and a list of its members. Master Research is not among them.
Authorities have made some inroads.
On Feb. 21, Canadian authorities announced the arrests of two scam operators, but estimated that hundreds of U.S. residents lost at least $150,000 to the scammers.
Doug Bem, a U.S. Postal Inspection Service spokesman, said the secret shopper scams are a variation of a more widely used scheme that victimizes a person who receives a counterfeit check from an unknown person, cashes it and wires back a portion of the cash.
In October, the agency announced an international crackdown that seized more than 540,000 fake checks with a face value of $2.1 billion. Dozens of arrests were made, mostly in the Netherlands and Nigeria.
"What we're trying to do is to get people to stop and ask themselves, 'Why would any business or employer or promoter ... ask you to accept their check and then turn around and wire money back to them?"' Bem said. --- On the Net: National Consumers League site on fake check scams: Mystery Shopping Providers Association: (Copyright 2008 by The Associated Press. All Rights Reserved.)
nfortunately, authorities say hundreds of people have fallen victim to a scam in which they think they're signing up to be "mystery shoppers" - regular folks who are paid to evaluate retailers. Some have lost thousands of dollars after cashing counterfeit checks and wiring money back to scammers, usually in Canada or another foreign country.
The Pennsylvania attorney general's office said it began receiving complaints late last year about such schemes, and the pace of the complaints has picked up since. It issued a warning to consumers last month to be wary of the offers.
The letters or advertisements look official, containing telephone contact numbers and more. The names of the fake companies vary - scam letters have borne "Express Shoppers" and "Mystery Shopper" company logos - and may even mirror the name of a real company.
Victims who received checks were told to cash them and then wire money as part of a training mission to evaluate a Western Union or check-cashing outlet at a Wal-Mart. But the checks have bounced, leaving the victims on the hook for the amount of the cashed checks.
"It would be a financial education for most people who fall for it, but it's not the kind of education that people want," said spokesman Nils Frederiksen of the attorney general's office.
Harold Cameron, a Scranton man who runs a consumer help Web site, said he has been contacted in recent weeks by people from at least a half-dozen states, from Nevada to Michigan, who were scammed by or saw advertisements by a company called "Master Research Inc."
In October, the Mobile, Ala., police department reported it was investigating an alleged secret shopper scam involving fraudulent checks sent out by Master Research that were cashed at a pawn shop.
No one answered a call from The Associated Press on Thursday to one of the company's advertised telephone lines in Alberta, Canada.
At another number, also in Alberta, a woman answered and said the number was for Master Research. Told the company was being connected to a scam involving fraudulent checks, she hung up. A second call went unanswered.
The checks may look authentic and may even bear the name of an actual bank or credit union and a telephone number where the person answering supposedly verifies that the check is valid.
One credit union whose name has been used, Countryside Federal Credit Union in Syracuse, N.Y., returned four checks Thursday morning as fraudulent, said president and chief executive officer Gerd Henjes.
"The question is, did the financial institution on the other end put the appropriate financial holds on it?" Henjes said.
An industry group, The Mystery Shopping Providers Association, says real companies do not pay anyone before they do actual work, and that mystery shopping is not a way to make a large sum of money quickly.
The Dallas-based organization also provides information on how to become a mystery shopper on its Web site,, and a list of its members. Master Research is not among them.
Authorities have made some inroads.
On Feb. 21, Canadian authorities announced the arrests of two scam operators, but estimated that hundreds of U.S. residents lost at least $150,000 to the scammers.
Doug Bem, a U.S. Postal Inspection Service spokesman, said the secret shopper scams are a variation of a more widely used scheme that victimizes a person who receives a counterfeit check from an unknown person, cashes it and wires back a portion of the cash.
In October, the agency announced an international crackdown that seized more than 540,000 fake checks with a face value of $2.1 billion. Dozens of arrests were made, mostly in the Netherlands and Nigeria.
"What we're trying to do is to get people to stop and ask themselves, 'Why would any business or employer or promoter ... ask you to accept their check and then turn around and wire money back to them?"' Bem said. --- On the Net: National Consumers League site on fake check scams: Mystery Shopping Providers Association: (Copyright 2008 by The Associated Press. All Rights Reserved.)
Wednesday, August 5, 2009
Women want to date with 7 Professional Men.
Labels: Life
Posted by art's2007 0 comments at 1:54 PM
Marriage is not a disgrace to become, or should know sadness. Capture its wisdom, so you can recognize many men of different character and profession.
Marriage is not to become a need to close the heart. Thus this time to get to know you more man. Take advantage of your loneliness with the date and identify the men. Maybe you can try dating men with work such as this.
1. Fire officers
This profession can be a hero as a willing sacrifice life and sport. Men who worked as a fire, can not be separated from the uniform special wrapping to protect it from fire, violent attacks. They are not afraid and will never willingly give up anything for the woman who is in love.
2. A detective
Imagine how it seems if you're dating with men like James Bond or Mac Gyver? You will always feel safe in the side. Men usually work full risk like this, will be very romantic when he can spend time with his heart moorings.
3. Interpreters Cook
Men who worked as a chef is usually very creative to make female. For example, he is not reluctant to cook something special to spoil your tongue. They are also sensual, as with professional experience to many kinds of spices and cooking with full feeling and imagination.
4. Pilot
Let's fly a delusion if you date with a pilot. Be prepared to traverse the various parts of the world while 'flying' pierce the sky with him beside you. Very beautiful and romantic is not it? Moreover, imagine if the pilot wearing his uniform with the stout.
5. Yoga instructor
If this date with a man, you will get the balance between life and sport. Professional men such as this, it is terrific to provide peace and tranquility in the heart to its beloved. Because the moment they have a right to control the emotional mental and spiritual. Yoga instructors usually have ideal body postures that are longed for each women.
6. Fiddler
Men who wrestle with the music, no doubt definitely romantic. But they are usually sensitive, but the smart hide emotions. Identical with the violin romantic classical music. Men like this are usually reserved and will only express his feelings through music wave nan excellent.
7. Photographers
Men who love art photographer, will take you on things that have not been extraordinary, and you think about before. Due to their imagination and learn to think 'out of the box'. They also love to and adore a beauty. If you want your life more colorful and full of dynamics.
Marriage is not to become a need to close the heart. Thus this time to get to know you more man. Take advantage of your loneliness with the date and identify the men. Maybe you can try dating men with work such as this.
1. Fire officers
This profession can be a hero as a willing sacrifice life and sport. Men who worked as a fire, can not be separated from the uniform special wrapping to protect it from fire, violent attacks. They are not afraid and will never willingly give up anything for the woman who is in love.
2. A detective
Imagine how it seems if you're dating with men like James Bond or Mac Gyver? You will always feel safe in the side. Men usually work full risk like this, will be very romantic when he can spend time with his heart moorings.
3. Interpreters Cook
Men who worked as a chef is usually very creative to make female. For example, he is not reluctant to cook something special to spoil your tongue. They are also sensual, as with professional experience to many kinds of spices and cooking with full feeling and imagination.
4. Pilot
Let's fly a delusion if you date with a pilot. Be prepared to traverse the various parts of the world while 'flying' pierce the sky with him beside you. Very beautiful and romantic is not it? Moreover, imagine if the pilot wearing his uniform with the stout.
5. Yoga instructor
If this date with a man, you will get the balance between life and sport. Professional men such as this, it is terrific to provide peace and tranquility in the heart to its beloved. Because the moment they have a right to control the emotional mental and spiritual. Yoga instructors usually have ideal body postures that are longed for each women.
6. Fiddler
Men who wrestle with the music, no doubt definitely romantic. But they are usually sensitive, but the smart hide emotions. Identical with the violin romantic classical music. Men like this are usually reserved and will only express his feelings through music wave nan excellent.
7. Photographers
Men who love art photographer, will take you on things that have not been extraordinary, and you think about before. Due to their imagination and learn to think 'out of the box'. They also love to and adore a beauty. If you want your life more colorful and full of dynamics.
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